I've A Show Monday! So how about an attempt to make some masks blend with the gallery floor? Time to set it off right! Sketch Set Project #1: Salve Regina Art Gallery's Tile Floor...and, Go!
This site goes through frequent metamorphoses. Here are the past and current stages: Stage 2: From Masks #102-present. I've been laid off! After completing "Death Mask Office Job 101" I thought I'd be on the way up my quasi-corporate ladder, how wrong I was... Now, each day I'm creating a sketch in this sculptural sketchbook blog. For each week there are 6 sketches ending in a 7th finished concept. Stage 1: From Masks #1-#101. This Is My Cubicle Job. The flowing works speak for themselves as an alternate dimensional self-portrait.Questioning decay, choices, order or lack thereof. Beginning at one dollar, then gradually each day, the net worth grows by another bill, yet the masked, torture and destruction remain constant.
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